Contempt for Mages
Lane harassment and consistent damage output.

Burst damage and target access
- Electrocute
Hitting a champion with 3 separate attacks or abilities in 3s deals bonus
adaptive damage . - Sudden Impact
Damaging basic attacks and abilities deal bonus true damage to enemy champions after using a dash, leap, blink, teleport, or when leaving stealth.
- Eyeball Collection
Collect eyeballs for champion
takedowns . Gain permanent AD or AP,adaptive for each eyeball plus bonus upon collection completion. - Relentless Hunter
takedowns grant permanent out of combatMS .
Empowered abilities and resource manipulation
- Axiom Arcanist
Your Ultimate has increased damage, healing, and shielding. Scoring a takedown on an enemy champion reduces your Ultimate's current cooldown.
- Scorch
Your first damaging ability hit every 10s burns champions.
Adaptive Force
Adaptive Force Adaptive Force
Adaptive Force Health Scaling
+10-180 Health (based on level)

Why Electrocute
Like Thunderlords, Electrocute is quite easy for Zed to proc and gives him great kill threat.

Why Sudden Impact
Sudden Impact is easily procced by Zed from **[W] or [R]** granting the Lethality needed for the kill.
Why Eyeball Collection
Zed is all about the kills and Eyeball Collection rewards you for doing so by granting you more damage.

Why Relentless Hunter
Movement Speed is a key stat for hunting down and finding an angle on your prey and Relentless Hunt helps you find those openings.

WhyAxiom Arcanist
Nullifying Orb is a key rune in this loadout as it's an integral part in surviving hard AP matchups. Think of it as a free hexdrinker.

Scorch's extra bit of early game damage can be incredibly useful to chip away at your opponent with [Q] before 6 so that you can all-in with [R].
What Was That?!
Lane harassment and consistent damage output.

Burst damage and target access
- Electrocute
Hitting a champion with 3 separate attacks or abilities in 3s deals bonus
adaptive damage . - Sudden Impact
Damaging basic attacks and abilities deal bonus true damage to enemy champions after using a dash, leap, blink, teleport, or when leaving stealth.
- Eyeball Collection
Collect eyeballs for champion
takedowns . Gain permanent AD or AP,adaptive for each eyeball plus bonus upon collection completion. - Relentless Hunter
takedowns grant permanent out of combatMS .
Improved attacks and sustained damage
- Triumph
Takedowns restore 5% of your missing health and grant an additional 20 gold. - Coup de Grace
Deal more damage to low health enemy champions.
Adaptive Force
Adaptive Force Adaptive Force
Adaptive Force

Why Electrocute
Electrocute's bonus burst damage is great for early lane poke from [W]->[E]->[Q] as well as all-in damage after 6.

Why Sudden Impact
Sudden Impact is easily procced by Zed from **[W] or [R]** granting the Lethality needed for the kill.
Why Eyeball Collection
Zed is all about the kills and Eyeball Collection rewards you for doing so by granting you more damage. If you'd rather keep up constant vision around mid, take either Grisly Mementos or Ghost Poro.

Why Relentless Hunter
Movement Speed is a key stat for **hunting down and finding an angle** on your prey and Relentless Hunt helps you find those openings.

Kill and cash in, Triumph excels at Zed's natural tendency to want to snowball on kills and get ahead.

WhyCoup de Grace
Coup De Grace synergizes well with Zed's **[R]** when looking to execute enemy champions.