
Someone’s About To Get Hurt

  1. Adaptive Force

    Adaptive Force

    +9 Adaptive Force


Why Aftershock

Aftershock is the go-to rune on any engage tank. After jumping in with [E], the bonus Armor and MR allows your to survive the engage while sticking to your target and CCing them.

Font of Life

Why Font of Life

Zac's [Q], [E], and [R] all proc Font on multiple targets allow you to prove massive healing for your entire team in teamfights.


Why Conditioning

Conditioning **scales well with Aftershock**, as both of them **buff each other**. The bonus resist from Aftershock make Conditioning stronger, and Conditioning resists after 10mins make Aftershock stronger. All of these bonus resists scale incredibly well with Zac's massive self-healing.


Why Revitalize

Zac does a lot of natural self healing when he pick ups his bobs. Revitalize empowers your jungle clear with **a much healthier first clear**. It also allows you to stay alive in fights if you're effectively **picking those blobs up, especially at low health**.

Magical Footwear

WhyMagical Footwear

Magical footwear's raw gold efficiency allows you to hit your 2 item power-spike just in time for mid-game teamfights.

Cosmic Insight

WhyCosmic Insight

Cosmic Insight's overall effectiveness enhances your teamfighting with the extra CDR as well as granting you a few extra Smites with the summoner CDR.

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