Fury of the Tiger
Lane harassment and consistent damage output.
Hitting an enemy champion 3 consecutive times deals bonus damage and amplifies your damage until you leave combat with champions.
Takedowns restore 5% of your missing health and grant an additional 20 gold.Takedowns on enemies grant permanent Attack Speed.Deal more damage to low health enemy champions.
Move Speed bonuses are 7% more effective on you and gain1% Move Speed .Gain
MS and AP or AD,adaptive in the river.
+5 AD or 9 AP
+5 AD or 9 AP
+6 Armor or 8 MR (match-up)
Why Press the Attack
With a **Tiger Stance focused build**, Press the Attack synergizes incredibly well with your ability to quickly proc the exposure damage and stack the bleeds for **rapidly increasing damage**.
Why Triumph
Triumph allows you to dive into the enemy and slice them up in teamfights and keep on going thanks to the massive heal after each kill.
Why Legend: Alacrity
More Attack Speed means a faster/healthier jungle clear, more map control, and much faster kills/stack of Press the Attack. If you're playing into a lot of hard CC and think you'll have a hard time getting to priority targets, Tenacity is a solid alternative.
Why Coup de Grace
Coup De Grace is the **go-to rune for slicing up squishy targets** as quickly as possible. The execution damage allows your double-stacked bleeds to hit like a truck.
Celerity empowers your ability to traverse the map much more quickly than otherwise possible, allowing you to power-farm and hit item/level power-spikes way sooner than the enemy is expecting.
Waterwalking furthers your ability to **control the jungle with map presence**. The extra AD also allows you to sneak some **early dragons/Rift Herald** for more objective control.