This’ll be a Slaughter
Lane harassment and consistent damage output.
Gain stacks of adaptive force when attacking enemy champions. After reaching 12 stacks, heal for a portion of damage you deal to champions.
Killing a target heals you.
Takedowns on enemies grant permanent Attack Speed.Deal more damage to champions while you are low on health.
Damaging basic attacks and ability damage deal bonus true damage to enemy champions after using a dash, leap, blink, teleport, or when leaving stealth.
When your wards expire, they leave behind a Ghost Poro. The Ghost Poro grants vision until discovered. Gain permanent AD or AP,
adaptive for each Ghost Poro and when your Ghost Poro spots an enemy champion, plus bonus upon completion.
+5 AD or 9 AP
+5 AD or 9 AP
+6 Armor or 8 MR (match-up)
Why Conqueror
Conqueror on Tryndamere makes you an unstoppable late game 1v1 duelist able to split push and take on anyone who comes in your way.
Why Absorb Life
Overheal synergizes well with Tryndamere's constant **self healing from [Q] and BotRK** allowing you to enter trades/fights with the **early health advantage**.
Why Legend: Alacrity
More Attack Speed means more raw damage, kill threat, and split-pushing tower potential.
Why Last Stand
Last Stand is the perfect damage rune for Tryndamere **synergizes insanely well with your[R]**. As you pop [R] at low health you'll have a few seconds of being able to deal massive amounts of damage.
WhySudden Impact
Sudden Impact synergizes well with Tryndamere's [Q] when looking to spin in for the all-in kill.
WhyGhost Poro
Ghost Poro provides fantastic on-demand lane safety when you're able to keep the enemy shoved in and keep the poro in the river brush uncontested.