
Truly Outrageous

  1. Adaptive Force

    Adaptive Force

    +9 Adaptive Force


Why Guardian

Guardian **synergizes well with Taric's [W]** when looking to block big incoming damage and the extra burst of Movement Speed allows your to position yourself to land [E].

Shield Bash

Why Shield Bash

Shield Bash is easily proccable with Taric's [W] and synergizes well with his passive when looking to offensively auto attack in fights.


Why Conditioning

Conditioing on Taric makes you a big front-line tank in the mid-game and your natural synergy with Armor will make you and your linked [W] ally difficult to take down in skirmishes/teamfights.


Why Revitalize

Revitalize synergizes well with both [Q] healing, [W] shielding strength, and Locket shielding making your teamfight damage mitigation incredibly strong.

Biscuit Delivery

WhyBiscuit Delivery

Biscuit's massive mid-fight health regen when you are below 50% will allows you to absorb a ton of poke and front-line damage thanks to your natural high resists.

Magical Footwear

WhyMagical Footwear

Magical Footwear is an all-around good rune choice on nearly every champion. It act effectively as a free kill's worth of gold at 10min allowing you to hit your combat stat item pokwer spikes even sooner.

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