Tahm Kench
True Appetite Never Wanes
Lane harassment and consistent damage output.

Creative tools and rule bending
- Unsealed Spellbook
Swap Summoner Spells while out of combat. Swapping to unique Summoner Spells will increase the rate at which you can make future swaps.
- Magical Footwear
You get free boots at 12 min but you cannot buy boots before then. Each
takedown you get makes your boots come 45s sooner. - Biscuit Delivery
Gain a free Biscuit every 2 min, until 6 min. Consuming or selling a Biscuit permanently increases your max health and restores health.
- Approach Velocity
MS towards nearby enemy champions that aremovement impaired , increased for enemy champions that you impair.
Durability and crowd control
- Second Wind
After taking damage from an enemy champion heal back some missing health over time.
- Overgrowth
Gain permanent max health when minions or monsters die near you.
Adaptive Force
Adaptive Force

Why Unsealed Spellbook
Spellbook on Tahm Kench allows you to use your summoners a bit more aggressively in the laning phase to secure a kill, and swap to Cleanse/Teleport in the mid to late game to help you team across the map.

Why Magical Footwear
Magical Footwear allows you to save 350g that can be spent on an early Locket to enable your mid-game teamfights.

Why Biscuit Delivery
Biscuit Delivery allows you to sustain early lane poke so that you can safely hit the 10min mark wheb Conditioning takes effect.

Why Approach Velocity
Approach Velocity allows you to chase down enemies who you slow with [Q]s as well as helping you to quickly get into position to save a teammate in danger.

WhySecond Wind
Second Wind is great for helping you sustain ranged poked matchups.

Overgrowth's additional mid-game health pool allows you to absorb a considerable amount of extra damage in teamfights and skirmishes.
Savor the Misery
Lane harassment and consistent damage output.

Durability and crowd control
- Grasp of the Undying
Every 4s your next attack on a champion deals bonus magic damage, heals you, and permanently increases your health.
- Demolish
Charge up a powerful attack against a tower while near it.
- Second Wind
After taking damage from an enemy champion heal back some missing health over time.
- Overgrowth
Gain permanent max health when minions or monsters die near you.
Improved attacks and sustained damage
- Triumph
Takedowns restore 5% of your missing health and grant an additional 20 gold. - Legend: Alacrity
Takedowns on enemies grant permanent Attack Speed.
Adaptive Force
Adaptive Force

Why Grasp of the Undying
Tahm's incredibly strong slow on [Q] allows him to chase down and **trade incredibly well in lane with auto attacks**. The stacking health on Grasp further empowers his passive. More autos = more damage = more health = even more damage

Why Demolish
Demolish on top lane Tahm Kench allows you to snowball early kills into an early team gold advantage with first blood turret.

Why Second Wind
Second Wind's mid-fight healing paired with your large health pool, especially when paired with Bone Plating, makes you an incredibly durable tank in skirmishes.

Why Overgrowth
Overgrowth is a rune that allows Tahm to **scale, both defensively and offensively**, incredibly well. The bonus stacking health further **empowers your autos and abilities thanks to Tahm's Passive**.

Triumph is a rune that is deceptively good in it's ability to **sustain in teamfights**. If you're playing frontline and soaking damage, picking up assists will **massively heal you to keep moving forward**.

WhyLegend: Alacrity
Especially during the laning phase, Tahm **relies heavily on the ability to take trades by getting as many autos off as possible**. The faster autos means **more damage from passive, Grasp, and faster passive stacks**.
A Feast Awaits
Lane harassment and consistent damage output.

Durability and crowd control
- Guardian
Guard allies you cast spells on and those that are very nearby. If you or a guarded ally would take damage based on level, you're both granted a shield.
- Font of Life
Impairing the movement of an enemy champion heals nearby allied champions. - Conditioning
After 12 min gain +8 Armor and +8 Magic Resist and increase your Armor and Magic Resist by 3%.
- Revitalize
Gain 5% Heal and Shield Power.
Heals and shields you cast or receive are 10% stronger on targets below 40% health.
Creative tools and rule bending
- Approach Velocity
MS towards nearby enemy champions that aremovement impaired , increased for enemy champions that you impair. - Biscuit Delivery
Gain a free Biscuit every 2 min, until 6 min. Consuming or selling a Biscuit permanently increases your max health and restores health.
Adaptive Force
Adaptive Force

Why Guardian
Guardian on Tahm allows him to eat a teammate that is about to take damage, shield, and gain the bonus Movement Speed to allow him to run away and re-position to spit them out. Over the course of the game Guardian block a significant amount of damage if you're able to reliably stay near a teammate to block damage in key moments.

Why Font of Life
Like Braum, the combination of [Q] slow and Tahm's natural health stacking allows you to provide decent healing in lane fights.

Why Conditioning
The Armor and Magic Resist of Conditioning pairs very well with champions who buy an early Locket to make for a strong mid-game teamfight. If you're looking to play aggressively in lane, Iron Skin can be a good alternative for tanking damage.

Why Revitalize
Revitalize synergizes well with Tahm's **passive shield, FotM, Locket**, and healing from **Redemption**.

WhyApproach Velocity
Approach Velocity is a great rune on Tahm to assist **getting into range to [W] a CCed teammate**, and for follow-up **chase and damage on an enemy you have hit with [Q]**.

WhyBiscuit Delivery
Biscuit Delivery allows you to sustian through tough poke lane that might abuse your short range during the laning phase.