
With Balanced Steps

  1. Offense

    +5 AD or 9 AP

  2. Flex

    +5 AD or 9 AP

  3. Defense

    +6 Armor or 8 MR (match-up)

Why Aftershock

Aftershock on Shen support makes him an incredibly strong threat in 2v2 lane fights where you're able to land your [E]. The bonus explosion damage, resists, and [Q] empowered autos make Shen a high damage version of Alistar.

Why Shield Bash

Shield Bash on Shen is easily proccable with [Q] and synergizes with his wanting to auto attack for the majority of his offensive damage.

Why Second Wind

Second Wind doubles down on Shen's lane skirmishing. The mid-fight health sustain paired with your passive shield makes Shen difficult to lose a trade when a taunt is successfully landed.

Why Overgrowth

Overgrowth's potential massive health scaling synergizes well with Shen's health ratios on passive shield and [E] damage.

WhyCash Back

Future's Market on supports allows you to hit early game item powerspikes that much sooner on your limited gold income.

WhyMagical Footwear

Magical Footwear is a great rune choice on just about any champion largely for its raw gold value with no input. Think of it as effectively gaining a kill's worth of gold at 10min.

From the Shadows

  1. Offense

    +5 AD or 9 AP

  2. Flex

    +5 AD or 9 AP

  3. Defense

    +6 Armor or 8 MR (match-up)

Why Grasp of the Undying

Shen naturally takes great advantage of Grasp's empowered auto-attacks thanks to the majority of his power being in his [Q].

Why Shield Bash

Shield Bash on Shen is easily proccable with [Q] and synergizes with his wanting to auto attack for the majority of his offensive damage.

Why Conditioning

Conditioning is an all-around solid defensive rune, giving up early weak resists for stronger resists later. These resists also scale well with Shen's natural health stacking.

Why Overgrowth

Shen loves to stack health as it improves his passive shield and tankiness. Overgrowth scales incredibly well with high-health items and champions.


Triumph's massive mid-fight heal allows you to sustain incoming damage in teamfights so you can continue front-lining.

WhyLegend: Alacrity

The extra Attack Speed from Alactrity is fantastic for trading in lane with [Q] empowered auto attacks.

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