Blood Will Spill
Lane harassment and consistent damage output.

Creative tools and rule bending
- Unsealed Spellbook
Swap Summoner Spells while out of combat. Swapping to unique Summoner Spells will increase the rate at which you can make future swaps.
- Magical Footwear
You get free boots at 12 min but you cannot buy boots before then. Each
takedown you get makes your boots come 45s sooner. - Jack Of All Trades
For each different stat gained from items, gain one Jack stack. Each stack grants you
1 Ability Haste .
Gain bonusAdaptive Force at 5 and 10 stacks. - Cosmic Insight
18 Summoner Spell Haste
+10 Item Haste
Empowered abilities and resource manipulation
- Manaflow Band
Hitting an enemy champion with an ability permanently increases your maximum mana by 25, up to 250 mana.
After reaching 250 bonus mana, restore 1% of your missing mana every 5 seconds. - Celerity
Move Speed bonuses are 7% more effective on you and gain1% Move Speed .
Adaptive Force
Adaptive Force Adaptive Force
Adaptive Force Health Scaling
+10-180 Health (based on level)

Why Unsealed Spellbook
Unsealed Spellbook on Ryze allows you to run a various number of Summoners in the mid lane (Cleanse, Ghost, etc.) depending on your matchup while still being able to swap to Teleport later in the game for more map pressure.

Why Magical Footwear
Magical Footwear's raw gold value is incredibly useful in the mid-game, account for nearly a kills worth of gold for that crucial 2 item power-spike.

Why Jack Of All Trades
Minion Dematerializer allows you to effectively wave-clear to match roam timing and get efficient recall timings off. On Ryze you are able to Dematerialize->[E] and if the minion dies while your [E] is mid-air your [E] will spread as if you had killed it.

Why Cosmic Insight
Cosmic Insight is an all-around fantastic rune choice for Ryze. The extra bit of CDR let's you pump out more DPS and the extra Summoner CDR helps keep you safe in the laning phase.

WhyManaflow Band
Manaflow Band synergizes well with Ryze's natural tendency to build up a massive mana pool. The missing mana refund will allow you to continue spamming in teamfights to pump out massive DPS.

Celerity's extra Movement Speed synergizes well with Ryze's [P] movement speed burst to help you position and kite in fights.
You lose
Lane harassment and consistent damage output.

Empowered abilities and resource manipulation
- Phase Rush
Hitting an enemy champion with 3 separate attacks or abilities grants a burst of
MS and Slow Resist. - Manaflow Band
Hitting an enemy champion with an ability permanently increases your maximum mana by 25, up to 250 mana.
After reaching 250 bonus mana, restore 1% of your missing mana every 5 seconds. - Celerity
Move Speed bonuses are 7% more effective on you and gain1% Move Speed . - Gathering Storm
Gain increasing amounts of AD or AP,
adaptive over the course of the game.
Creative tools and rule bending
- Cosmic Insight
18 Summoner Spell Haste
+10 Item Haste - Jack Of All Trades
For each different stat gained from items, gain one Jack stack. Each stack grants you
1 Ability Haste .
Gain bonusAdaptive Force at 5 and 10 stacks.
Adaptive Force
Adaptive Force Adaptive Force
Adaptive Force Health Scaling
+10-180 Health (based on level)

Why Phase Rush
Ryze's natural spell-spam nature allows you to easily proc Phase Rush with **[W]->[E]->[Q] and stick to your target for follow-up** damage.

Why Manaflow Band
Ryze naturally stacks mana with Tear and RoA so you gets extra mana returned allowing you to spam a lot more spell in the mid-game. If you're playing into multiple magic damage threat, take Nullifying Orb.

Why Celerity
Celerity's extra Movement Speed synergizes well with Ryze's [P] movement speed burst to help you position and kite in fights.

Why Gathering Storm
Gathering Storm is a great **late-game insurance policy** that scales incredibly well the longer the game goes on, allow you to deal insane damage at 40mins+.

WhyCosmic Insight
Paired with Cosmic Insight, your **mid-game skirmish potential** will be incredibly strong having a great mix of AP, Health, Mana, and CDR. Cosmic Insight is also **great on mid-laners who take Teleport** for the shorter cooldown.

WhyJack Of All Trades
Minion Dematerializer empowers your ability to wave-clear effectively for roams and synergizes well with Ryze's [E]. If you Dematerialize a minion and cast [E] on it, you will get a guaranteed [E] spread.