
Shaper of Lands

  1. Adaptive Force

    Adaptive Force

    +9 Adaptive Force

  2. Adaptive Force

    Adaptive Force

    +9 Adaptive Force

  3. Health Scaling

    Health Scaling

    +10-180 Health (based on level)


Why Electrocute

As a melee assassin Electrocute is a pivotal tool ensuring kills during your burst damage rotations.

Sudden Impact

Why Sudden Impact

Qiyana has a lot of mobility between her [W] and [E] allowing you to repeatedly proc Sudden IMpact for enhanced damage output.

Eyeball Collection

Why Eyeball Collection

The goal of any assassin is to snowball with early kills and Eyeball Collection helps you do just that.

Treasure Hunter

Why Treasure Hunter

Ravenous Hunter is ideal for sustaining in tough early game matchups.

Biscuit Delivery

WhyBiscuit Delivery

Biscuits further empower your ability to ensure a safe and healthy early game where you can easily be poked out.

Time Warp Tonic

WhyTime Warp Tonic

Paired with Biscuits and potions, Time Warp Tonic is great for early game sustain.

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