
Their Fate is Sealed

  1. Adaptive Force

    Adaptive Force

    +9 Adaptive Force

  2. Adaptive Force

    Adaptive Force

    +9 Adaptive Force

  3. Health Scaling

    Health Scaling

    +10-180 Health (based on level)


Why Aftershock

Aftershock is massive for empowering your ability to all-in and assassinate your target without also giving up your life.


Why Demolish

Demolish on Pantheon allows you to turn early lane kills into meaningful tower damage and early gold advantage,

Second Wind

Why Second Wind

Second Wind further empowers your ability to trade efficiently in lane so that you're able to all-in when you find the opening.


Why Overgrowth

Overgrowth's health scaling helps to patch up one of Panth's weakest areas, his late game.

Absolute Focus

WhyAbsolute Focus

Absolute Focus' extra AD is huge for empowering your early game [Q] poke so that you're able to get first blood.

Gathering Storm

WhyGathering Storm

Gathering Storm further looks to patch up Pantheon's weakest aspect, late game scaling.

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