
Show Them the Horns

  1. Adaptive Force

    Adaptive Force

    +9 Adaptive Force

Grasp of the Undying

Why Grasp of the Undying

Ornn is often trading in lane with Brittle empowered auto-attacks, making Grasp a great choice for additional damage and sustain.


Why Demolish

Demolish on Ornn synergizes well with you health-heavy item build to ensure you punish successful teamfight victories with tower gold.


Why Conditioning

Conditioning's double bonus resists synergizes well with Orn''s [E] damage as well as role as a front-line tank. **Oppressive lanes:** If you're playing into an incredibly oppressive lane (Teemo) Second Wind here will help you survive lane a lot more safely.


Why Overgrowth

Overgrowth synergizes well with your tanky health build and passive resists, making you incredibly difficult to take down.

Manaflow Band

WhyManaflow Band

Manaflow Band grants you the mana sustain you need to **stay in lane as long as possible** so that you're able to effectively use your passive and abuse item power-spikes.



Transcendence's mid-game CDR is massively powerful on a teamfight orientend champion such as Ornn. The extra CDR means more CC, more shielding, and more damage.

Forge Fighting

  1. Adaptive Force

    Adaptive Force

    +9 Adaptive Force


Why Guardian

Guardian is a fantastic keystone for lane trading and teamfights where you need some extra defensive power for your AD Carry.

Shield Bash

Why Shield Bash

Shield Bash synergizes perfectly with Ornn's [W] granting you even more offensive trading power in lane.


Why Conditioning

As a top laner you'll be building a lot of Armor and Magic Resist allowing granting Conditioning a lot of value in bonus resists.


Why Overgrowth

Overgrowth's health scaling makes you a strong front-line tank when paired with health stacking items such as Knight's Vow and Targon's support item.

Magical Footwear

WhyMagical Footwear

Magical Footwear's raw gold efficiency is huge for supports as it lets you get to your crucial 2 item spike to offer massive teamfight utility.

Biscuit Delivery

WhyBiscuit Delivery

Biscuit Delivery offers strong lane sustain to get through those pesky early poke lanes safely.

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