Stacks on Stacks on Stacks… of Gold
Lane harassment and consistent damage output.

Creative tools and rule bending
- Unsealed Spellbook
Swap Summoner Spells while out of combat. Swapping to unique Summoner Spells will increase the rate at which you can make future swaps.
- Magical Footwear
You get free boots at 12 min but you cannot buy boots before then. Each
takedown you get makes your boots come 45s sooner. - Biscuit Delivery
Gain a free Biscuit every 2 min, until 6 min. Consuming or selling a Biscuit permanently increases your max health and restores health.
- Approach Velocity
MS towards nearby enemy champions that aremovement impaired , increased for enemy champions that you impair.
Durability and crowd control
- Conditioning
After 12 min gain +8 Armor and +8 Magic Resist and increase your Armor and Magic Resist by 3%.
- Revitalize
Gain 5% Heal and Shield Power.
Heals and shields you cast or receive are 10% stronger on targets below 40% health.
Adaptive Force
Adaptive Force

Why Unsealed Spellbook
Unsealed Spellbook's overall utility grants you the ability to adapt to situations where you need more damage for a kill, or defensive power from being killed.

Why Magical Footwear
Magical Footwear allows you to double-down on that gold you're earning from Klepto and Coin by saving you a bunch of gold so that you're able to invest it into **combat stats for the mid game**.

Why Biscuit Delivery
Biscuit Delivery further empowers your ability to out-sustain your lane opponent and helps you survive in machups where you may take a lot of early game damage (Gnar/Rumble).

Why Approach Velocity
Approach Velocity synergizes incredibly well with Nasus' [W] to chase down and stick to your target.

Conditioning makes you into a massive mid game front line tank as it will scale well with any defensive items you buy and continuing scaling into the late game with your infinite scaling damage.

Nasus is a champion who lives and dies by his ability to sustain with his passive. Revitalize massively empower that healing in the mid game where you'll be able to out-duel most other champions.
Breach the Gates
Lane harassment and consistent damage output.

Empowered abilities and resource manipulation
- Phase Rush
Hitting an enemy champion with 3 separate attacks or abilities grants a burst of
MS and Slow Resist. - Nimbus Cloak
After casting a Summoner Spell, gain a short
Move Speed increase that allows you to pass through units. - Transcendence
Gain bonuses upon reaching the following levels:
Level 5: +5Ability Haste
Level 8: +5Ability Haste
Level 11: On Champion takedown, reduce the remaining cooldown of basic abilities by 20%. - Gathering Storm
Gain increasing amounts of AD or AP,
adaptive over the course of the game.
Durability and crowd control
- Demolish
Charge up a powerful attack against a tower while near it.
- Second Wind
After taking damage from an enemy champion heal back some missing health over time.
Adaptive Force
Adaptive Force

Why Phase Rush
Non-damaging spells count toward proccing Phase rush so a simple **[W]->[E]->Auto** will let you hunt down your target and resist slows.

Why Nimbus Cloak
Nimbus Cloak's added mobility when casting [R] empowering you to chase down your target for repeated [Q] procs. If you're playing into a number of AP threats, Nullifying Orb is also a great option to keep you alive in close fights.

Why Transcendence
More stacks ASAP. Nasus loves every CDR defensive item and with transcendence you don't have to worry about over-capping.

Why Gathering Storm
Usually when playing Nasus you're looking to come online in the mid to late game. Gathering Storm scales incredibly well along side you while you stack away. Scorch is a solid alternative if you're looking to harass a bit in the laning phase.

Nasus is all about opening the gates. Demolish + [Q] means you're shredding towers in no-time.

WhySecond Wind
Second Wind is a great sustain rune when **playing into difficult match-ups**. Like Doran's Shield, it allows you to mitigate a lot of the chip damage you might take. In easy lanes you can take Revitalize to empower you late game [Q] healing.