They Will Suffer
Lane harassment and consistent damage output.

Empowered abilities and resource manipulation
- Summon Aery
Your attacks and abilities send Aery to a target, damaging enemies or shielding allies.
- Manaflow Band
Hitting an enemy champion with an ability permanently increases your maximum mana by 25, up to 250 mana.
After reaching 250 bonus mana, restore 1% of your missing mana every 5 seconds. - Transcendence
Gain bonuses upon reaching the following levels:
Level 5: +5Ability Haste
Level 8: +5Ability Haste
Level 11: On Champion takedown, reduce the remaining cooldown of basic abilities by 20%. - Scorch
Your first damaging ability hit every 10s burns champions.
Creative tools and rule bending
- Triple Tonic
Upon reaching level 3, gain an Elixir of Avarice.
Upon reaching level 6, gain an Elixir of Force.
Upon reaching level 9, gain an Elixir of Skill. - Cosmic Insight
18 Summoner Spell Haste
+10 Item Haste
Adaptive Force
Adaptive Force Adaptive Force
Adaptive Force Health Scaling
+10-180 Health (based on level)

Why Summon Aery
Aery on Morgana is a reliable pick both offensively and defensively. Offensively: You can easily and repeatedly proc Aery for poke damage with [W]. Defensively: Applying [E] to a teammate will also add health shield to your teammate on top of your Magic Damage shield.

Why Manaflow Band
Manaflow Band is a great rune choice is this slot for Mage supports because to **provides a significant amount of mana sustain for lane** harass and skirmishes. If the enemy team has multiple AP threats you can take Nullifying Orb.

Why Transcendence
Supports build a lot of CDR items thanks to the raw utility of their kits. More CDR = more power and with Transcendence you have **no fear of over-capping**. **Celerity is a great secondary option** for roams and picks.

Why Scorch
If you choose to put a point in [W] early Scorch becomes incredibly **easy to proc on cooldown for lane harass**.

WhyTriple Tonic
A free early Statis is a god-send for Morgana to land a huge [R]. The free Stopwatch also means that Zhonya's is that much closer to completion.

WhyCosmic Insight
Doubling down on CDR and a little extra summoner cooldown for Flash->[R] is great here for Morg. Magical Footwear is also a great option here if you're looking to save money and hit combat stat power-spikes sooner.