Nature’s Grasping at Straws
Lane harassment and consistent damage output.

Durability and crowd control
- Grasp of the Undying
Every 4s your next attack on a champion deals bonus magic damage, heals you, and permanently increases your health.
- Font of Life
Impairing the movement of an enemy champion heals nearby allied champions. - Conditioning
After 12 min gain +8 Armor and +8 Magic Resist and increase your Armor and Magic Resist by 3%.
- Revitalize
Gain 5% Heal and Shield Power.
Heals and shields you cast or receive are 10% stronger on targets below 40% health.
Creative tools and rule bending
- Biscuit Delivery
Gain a free Biscuit every 2 min, until 6 min. Consuming or selling a Biscuit permanently increases your max health and restores health.
- Cosmic Insight
18 Summoner Spell Haste
+10 Item Haste
Adaptive Force
Adaptive Force

Why Grasp of the Undying
Grasp on Maokai allows you to take aggressive trades during the laning phase thanks to the extra bit on healing combined with your passive heal.

Why Font of Life
All of Maokai's abilities proc Font of Life to grant a lot of teamfight healing for every member of your team.

Why Conditioning
Conditioning's bonus Armor and Magic Resist **synergizes and scales well with the bonus resists from Aftershock**, allowing you to survive massive amount of damage.

Why Revitalize
Revitalize empower's Maokai's **passive and Font of Life** healing for incredibly strong drawn-out team fights.

WhyBiscuit Delivery
Biscuit Delivery grants you an insane amount of lane sustain allowing you to trade aggressively often when also paired with your passive heal.

WhyCosmic Insight
Cosmic Insight's general CDR utility can pay off in huge teamfights where you are able to keep a target locked down with an extra cast of [W].