
Burn Away the Shadows

  1. Adaptive Force

    Adaptive Force

    +9 Adaptive Force

  2. Adaptive Force

    Adaptive Force

    +9 Adaptive Force

  3. Health Scaling

    Health Scaling

    +10-180 Health (based on level)

Summon Aery

Why Summon Aery

With Aery you can proc it repeatedly in lane for poke damage as well as defensively in teamfights for an even bigger shield.

Manaflow Band

Why Manaflow Band

Manaflow Band is a great option for Lux when you are looking to do a lot of poking in the early game. Lux's [E] is one of the highest mana cost spells in the game and if you use it when Manaflow is up you'll sustain a lot more poke than you would otherwise be able to.

Absolute Focus

Why Absolute Focus

Absolute Focus on Lux allows you to abuse your long range poke for additional damage without taking any damage in return.


Why Scorch

Scorch's early game poke damage lets you set yourself up for level 6 kill threat and provide pressure during the laning phase.

Biscuit Delivery

WhyBiscuit Delivery

Biscuit Delivery greats you reliable and strong sustain, especially in close all-in lane fights where the last minute healing can pay off big and help you survive.

Magical Footwear

WhyMagical Footwear

Magical Footwear's gold-efficiency is great for mid-game fights where the extra 300g can be the difference between completing an important item.

Light Them Up

  1. Adaptive Force

    Adaptive Force

    +9 Adaptive Force

  2. Adaptive Force

    Adaptive Force

    +9 Adaptive Force

Arcane Comet

Why Arcane Comet

Arcane Comet can be difficult to land reliably, but the root from Lux's **[Q]** and slow from **[E]** make it far easier.

Manaflow Band

Why Manaflow Band

Manaflow Band offsets some of your high mana costs and allows you to continue your lane harassment and poke during the laning phase.


Why Transcendence

Like most mages a large portion of your damage comes from spamming abilities with CDR.


Why Scorch

Scorch is a great source of reliable lane harass damage that adds up over time to build kill pressure.

Triple Tonic

WhyTriple Tonic

Lux's biggest weakness is her lack of mobility and proneness to getting ganked. Perfect Timing cna come in clutch if used well to avoid damage on an incoming gank and will provide a reasonable gold value toward your 3rd Item Zhonya's.

Cosmic Insight

WhyCosmic Insight

More cooldown reduction is nothing but pure bliss for Lux. Cosmic Insight get even more value if you build Zhonya's.

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