Stay Dead
Lane harassment and consistent damage output.
Hitting an enemy champion 3 consecutive times deals bonus damage and amplifies your damage until you leave combat with champions.
Killing a target heals you.
Takedowns on enemies grant permanent Attack Speed.Deal more damage to low health enemy champions.
Hitting an enemy champion with an ability permanently increases your maximum mana by 25, up to 250 mana.
After reaching 250 bonus mana, restore 1% of your missing mana every 5 seconds.Gain increasing amounts of AD or AP,
adaptive over the course of the game.
+5 AD or 9 AP
+5 AD or 9 AP
+6 Armor or 8 MR (match-up)
Why Press the Attack
Press the Attack's exposure damage synergizes incredibly well with **BotRK + Black Cleaver + [R] shredding** even the tankiest champions.
Why Absorb Life
Overheal is a great rune for topping off your heal to sustain chip damage from the enemy, and synergizes well with the Life Steal from **BotRK and Bloodline**.
Why Legend: Alacrity
More Attack Speed simply means more damage per second output, especially in elongated teamfights where you are able to get several off.
Why Coup de Grace
Coup De Grace is a great rune for finishing of the last bit of health on champions you have shredded with Black Cleaver and Press the Attack.
WhyManaflow Band
Manaflow Band allows you to constantly harass and poke in lane with your abilities while allowing you to sustain.
WhyGathering Storm
Gathering Storm is your late game insurance policy. Paired with Press the Attack, your late game single target dueling damage will be massive.