Try to Leave a Dent
Lane harassment and consistent damage output.
immobilizing an enemy champion gain defenses and later deal a burst of magic damage around you.Charge up a powerful attack against a tower while near it.
After 12 min gain +8 Armor and +8 Magic Resist and increase your Armor and Magic Resist by 3%.
Gain Armor and Magic Resist when receiving crowd control.
While Flash is on cooldown it is replaced by Hexflash.
Hexflash: Channel, then blink to a new location.+
18 Summoner Spell Haste
+10 Item Haste
+5 AD or 9 AP
+5 AD or 9 AP
+6 Armor or 8 MR (match-up)
Why Aftershock
Leona's all-in style of gameplay heavily revolves around jumping on your target and killing them as fast as possible. Aftershock's explosion damage further pushes your ability to kill the enemy after CCing them.
Why Demolish
Demolish allows you to snowball early lane kills into massive tower damage for an early team gold lead.
Why Conditioning
Conditioning on Leona is great once you've hit the 10min mark as both the bonus Armor and MR contribute to your **[W]** strength.
Why Unflinching
Unflinching's slow and cc resist empower your ability to stick to your target after engaging onto them for follow-up CC and damage.
WhyHextech Flashtraption
Hextech Flashtraption is great for those moments when you are able to hide in fog of war on a pink ward and jump your opponent with a well timed all-in engage.
WhyCosmic Insight
Cosmic Insight's well-rounded utility empowers your ability to chain CC the enemy and peel for your carry.