Rhaast the Bruiser
Lane harassment and consistent damage output.
Hitting a champion with 3 separate attacks or abilities in 3s deals bonus
adaptive damage .Damaging basic attacks and ability damage deal bonus true damage to enemy champions after using a dash, leap, blink, teleport, or when leaving stealth.
Collect eyeballs for champion
takedowns . Gain permanent AD or AP,adaptive for each eyeball plus bonus upon collection completion.Unique
takedowns grant additional gold the first time they are collected.
Takedowns restore 5% of your missing health and grant an additional 20 gold.Deal more damage to low health enemy champions.
+5 AD or 9 AP
+5 AD or 9 AP
+6 Armor or 8 MR (match-up)
Why Electrocute
Electrocute on Kayn grants you the burst damage needed to get going early with a kill or two to snowball the game in your favor.
Why Sudden Impact
Kayn is one of the biggest abusers of Sudden Impact as simply casting **[Q}** will grant you Lethality.
Why Eyeball Collection
Eyeball Collection is all about fighting from the get-go and getting takedowns to scale into the mid-game.
Why Treasure Hunter
Because Kayn likes to duel and spam his abilities, Ravenous Hunter provides a lot of extra healing in those fights. It also pairs nicely with Rhaast's passive.
Kayn's farly large AoE on [Q] and [W] allow you to hit multiple targets in teamfights, picking up assist/kills and grants you massive healing from Triumph in teamfights/skirmishes.
WhyCoup de Grace
Coup De Grace pairs well with Kayn natural assassin tendencies, and can greatly improve the damage of your [R] when looking to finish off a target.