
Heart and Mind as One

  1. Adaptive Force

    Adaptive Force

    +9 Adaptive Force

  2. Adaptive Force

    Adaptive Force

    +9 Adaptive Force

  3. Health Scaling

    Health Scaling

    +10-180 Health (based on level)

Summon Aery

Why Summon Aery

Summon Aery is a fantastic choice for Karma Mid as you're able to effectively proc it offensively for more damage as well as defensively for a massive shield on a teammate thanks to your AP scaling.

Manaflow Band

Why Manaflow Band

Manaflow Band on Karma is fantastic for sustaining your mana in the mid-game for constant harass and ability utility spam in teamfights.


Why Transcendence

Transcendence allows you to hit that critical 45% CDR in the mid-game with Luden's and Chalice while still allowing you to build Sorc shoes for extra damage.

Gathering Storm

Why Gathering Storm

Karma has very good AP scaling on her [Q] and [E] making her super late game [R]->[E] a potential teamfight winning ability.

Jack Of All Trades

WhyJack Of All Trades

Minion Dematerializer helps empower your early wave clear so that you can keep up with your enemy laner to get to Luden's without getting out-roamed.

Cosmic Insight

WhyCosmic Insight

Cosmic Insight's general utility is a fantastic choice for empowering you both offensively as well as defensively with [E].

Act With Conviction

  1. Adaptive Force

    Adaptive Force

    +9 Adaptive Force

  2. Adaptive Force

    Adaptive Force

    +9 Adaptive Force

  3. Health Scaling

    Health Scaling

    +10-180 Health (based on level)

Summon Aery

Why Summon Aery

Karma's kit allows her to effectively proc Aery **offensively in the early game for harass**, and **defensively with [E]** for massive shields. If you'd prefer to dominate lane and do as much damage as possible, Arcane Comet is decent thanks to the slow on [Q]

Manaflow Band

Why Manaflow Band

Manaflow Band is fantastic for empowering your ability to harass in lane with constant [Q] poke.

Absolute Focus

Why Absolute Focus

Absolute Focus allows you to sit back with massive amounts of AP in the early to mid game, empowering both your [Q] poke and [E] shielding for your team.


Why Scorch

Karma has one of the most **dominant lane phases** of any support and Scorch lets us push that even further.

Cosmic Insight

WhyCosmic Insight

Like all Enchanter supports, Karma scales incredibly well with CDR and Cosmic Insight gives us all the tools we need to dominate.

Magical Footwear

WhyMagical Footwear

Free boots effectively means we are getting a free kills worth of gold at 10mins allows us to spec into other items quicker.

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