
Bring It On!

  1. Adaptive Force

    Adaptive Force

    +9 Adaptive Force

  2. Adaptive Force

    Adaptive Force

    +9 Adaptive Force

  3. Health Scaling

    Health Scaling

    +10-180 Health (based on level)

Press the Attack

Why Press the Attack

Press the Attack on Jax heavily favors his ability to burst with his auto attacks, especially in the early game with skirmishes with another teammate


Why Triumph

Triumph's mid-fight healing allows you to absorb a lot of damage damage as a front-line tank.

Legend: Alacrity

Why Legend: Alacrity

Jax is all about auto-attacks and the extra bit from Alacrity empowers your jungle clear speed and gank damage.

Coup de Grace

Why Coup de Grace

Coup De Grace is the most reliable form of damage amp for Jax Jungle, especially when flanking squishy targets.

Grisly Mementos

WhyGrisly Mementos

Grisly Mementos is a great rune choice for empower deep wards and vision control with sweeper.

Sudden Impact

WhySudden Impact

Sudden Impact's hybrid penetration makes your early-game gank damage incredibly powerful.

Who Wants a Piece?

  1. Adaptive Force

    Adaptive Force

    +9 Adaptive Force


Why Conqueror

Conqueror's ramping damage in extended duels is perfect for Jax's auto-attack based fight pattern, allowing you to pump out massive damage over time.


Why Triumph

Jax is a solid **tower diver** and Triumph's big heal can make the difference between life and deal in sticky situations.

Legend: Alacrity

Why Legend: Alacrity

All of Jax's damage comes from his ability to auto attack repeatedly and Alacrity helps your early game trades and skirmishes massively before you're able to build any significant Attack Speed. It also allows you to opt into more defensive items so you can prolong the trade.

Coup de Grace

Why Coup de Grace

Your rune choice here largely depends on if your laning against a tank or not. Coup De Grace is good at killing squishy champions. If you *are* laning against a tank, take Cut Down.

Magical Footwear

WhyMagical Footwear

Magical Footwear's raw mid-game gold value accelerates you into a quicker 2nd item power-spike.

Time Warp Tonic

WhyTime Warp Tonic

Time Warp Tonic pairs well with with your Corrupting Potion start for strong dueling.

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