Teach ‘Em a Harsh Lesson
Lane harassment and consistent damage output.

Creative tools and rule bending
- First Strike
When you initiate champion combat, deal 7% extra damage for 3 seconds and gain gold based on damage dealt.
- Triple Tonic
Upon reaching level 3, gain an Elixir of Avarice.
Upon reaching level 6, gain an Elixir of Force.
Upon reaching level 9, gain an Elixir of Skill. - Biscuit Delivery
Gain a free Biscuit every 2 min, until 6 min. Consuming or selling a Biscuit permanently increases your max health and restores health.
- Cosmic Insight
18 Summoner Spell Haste
+10 Item Haste
Burst damage and target access
- Taste of Blood
Heal when you damage an enemy champion.
- Treasure Hunter
takedowns grant additional gold the first time they are collected.
Adaptive Force
Adaptive Force

Why First Strike
Illaoi is one of the few melee champions who can reliably proc Kleptomancy in short trades. Her [W] allows her to quickly proc the effect for extra gold and sustain.

Why Triple Tonic
Perfect Timing is an incredible rune choice on Illaoi as the one-time stasis can be enough to turn a 1v2 and snowball a lead. **TIP:** When getting ganked and looking to 1v2, use your abilities, then use Stopwatch so that your abilities come back up when you come out of stasis and can behind dealing damage/healing again.

Why Biscuit Delivery
Biscuit Delivery on Illaoi allows you to repeatedly take aggressive trades in lane to wear down your opponent.

Why Cosmic Insight
Cosmic Insight's Summoner Cooldown is especially useful on top laners who heavily rely on Teleport advantage timing. The majority of Illaoi's damage comes from her abilities so CDR means more damage.

WhyTaste of Blood
Taste of Blood empowers your ability to trade early and often with fantastic lane sustain.

WhyTreasure Hunter
Ravenous Hunter's extra bit of Spell Vamp is incredibly strong when paired with Illaoi's high base damage on her abilities and Tentacle Slams, allows you to do sustain through any incoming damage while you blow up the enemy team.