
Don’t get Pushy

  1. Adaptive Force

    Adaptive Force

    +9 Adaptive Force


Why Aftershock

Graga's kit greatly benefits from the additional resists thanks to Aftershock, with an easy way to proc it via [E] or [R].

Font of Life

Why Font of Life

Font of life is easily procced from most of Graga's abilities, granting your teammates extra healing in fights.


Why Conditioning

Condinition synergizes extremely well with Aftershock as Gragas' tanky build path.


Why Unflinching

The extra tenacity and slow resist is great for sticking to your target for repeated CC so that your teammates are able to easily pick up kills.

Biscuit Delivery

WhyBiscuit Delivery

Biscuit Delivery's empowered lane sustain is important for provide pressure for early objective control.

Cosmic Insight

WhyCosmic Insight

Cosmic Insights' general utility is fantastic for Gragas' kit, empowering your ability to CC more targets more often and engage when the time is right.

Dodge this!

  1. Adaptive Force

    Adaptive Force

    +9 Adaptive Force


Why Predator

Predator is fantastic on Gragas as it allows you to easily engages fights and find opening for ganks at a moments notice.

Cheap Shot

Why Cheap Shot

Cheap Shot is easily procced by most of Gragas' abilities, granting extra damage for that important kill.

Ghost Poro

Why Ghost Poro

Ghost Poro's extra bit of deep vision on invades as well as bonus stats allow you to easily snowball a lead with your high early game damage.

Ingenious Hunter

Why Ingenious Hunter

Ingenious Hunter is a near must have when paired with Predator as the extra item CDR lets you use your keystone more often.

Triple Tonic

WhyTriple Tonic

The one-time stasis active from Stopwatch is pivotal in executing early tower dives that can grant your team a snowball lead.

Cosmic Insight

WhyCosmic Insight

Cosmic Insight's general utility empowers your ability to disrupt teamfights and find those perfect engages.

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