
Are You Afraid?

  1. Adaptive Force

    Adaptive Force

    +9 Adaptive Force

  2. Adaptive Force

    Adaptive Force

    +9 Adaptive Force

  3. Health Scaling

    Health Scaling

    +10-180 Health (based on level)


Why Aftershock

Aftershock's massive defensive bonus allows you to trade aggressively in lane with your [Q] fear as well as helping you survive deep team-engage [R]'s into the enemy champions without dying before your team can follow up.


Why Demolish

Demolish is fantastic for snowballing lane kill for early tower damage and a quick gold lead.

Bone Plating

Why Bone Plating

Bone Plating on Fiddlesticks Support when paired with Aftershock allows you to trade aggressively and not get blown up when initiating a teamfight.


Why Revitalize

Revitalize empowers the healing from your [W] allowing you to face-tank a considerable amount of damage in 2v2 trades.

Nimbus Cloak

WhyNimbus Cloak

Nimbus Cloak's synergy with your [R] offers you massive teamfight engage when combined wiht the extra movement speed from your passive.



Celerity's extra AP grants from movement speed, when combined with your passive and Nimbus Cloak, grants you a large amount of extra burst damage.

I Feel Your Fear

  1. Adaptive Force

    Adaptive Force

    +9 Adaptive Force

  2. Adaptive Force

    Adaptive Force

    +9 Adaptive Force

  3. Health Scaling

    Health Scaling

    +10-180 Health (based on level)


Why Electrocute

Electrocute is Fiddlestick's most reliable form of gank damage and the extra burst allows you to kill your target before your [Q] fear wears off.

Sudden Impact

Why Sudden Impact

Sudden Impact empowers Fiddle's primary fight tool, his [R]. The blink on [R] will grant you a bit of extra Magic Pen for more gank damage.

Eyeball Collection

Why Eyeball Collection

Eyeball Collection's stacking AP allows you to snowball any small lead you get from ganks in to a huge lead.

Ultimate Hunter

Why Ultimate Hunter

Ultimate Hunter is fantastic for capitalizing on successful ganks and snowballing into more rampant ganks with Fiddle's fight-winning [R].

Nimbus Cloak

WhyNimbus Cloak

Nimbus Cloak synergizes perfectly with Fiddle's desire to burst into a team with a well-timed [R]. The extra Movement Speed from your passive as well as Nimbus allow you to quickly get to the backline.



Paired with your item build and Ultimate Hat, Transcendence keeps your [R] on a minimal cooldown in the mid-game so that you're able to threaten ganks far more regularly.

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