Agonizing Allure
Lane harassment and consistent damage output.
Hitting a champion with 3 separate attacks or abilities in 3s deals bonus
adaptive damage .Damaging basic attacks and ability damage deal bonus true damage to enemy champions after using a dash, leap, blink, teleport, or when leaving stealth.
Collect eyeballs for champion
takedowns . Gain permanent AD or AP,adaptive for each eyeball plus bonus upon collection completion.Unique
takedowns grant permanent cooldown reduction on your Ultimate.
MS and AP or AD,adaptive in the river.Gain bonuses upon reaching the following levels:
Level 5: +5Ability Haste
Level 8: +5Ability Haste
Level 11: On Champion takedown, reduce the remaining cooldown of basic abilities by 20%.
+5 AD or 9 AP
+5 AD or 9 AP
+6 Armor or 8 MR (match-up)
Why Electrocute
Evelynn is able to easily proc Electrocute when coming out of stealth with a **[W]->[Q]->[Q]** combo for an extra burst of damage to finish her target.
Why Sudden Impact
**Exiting Stealth** grants the Sudden Impact bonus Magic Penetration that Eve can use to assassinate the enemy champion.
Why Eyeball Collection
Clearing wards is a key part of a jungler's position. Pair that with assassination potential and you'll be racking of plenty of bonus Ability Power to snowball the game.
Why Ultimate Hunter
Ultimate Hunter is fantastic for snowballing execution kills you pick up in the mid-game form successful ganks after level 6.
Waterwalking on Evelynn is fantastic for empowering your ability to scrap for mid-game objectives and scuttle crabs.
Transcendence's mid-game CDR is fantastic for empowering your ability to mid-game skirmish with multiple charm's and damage output with [Q].