Embrace the Night
Lane harassment and consistent damage output.

Burst damage and target access
- Electrocute
Hitting a champion with 3 separate attacks or abilities in 3s deals bonus
adaptive damage . - Sudden Impact
Damaging basic attacks and abilities deal bonus true damage to enemy champions after using a dash, leap, blink, teleport, or when leaving stealth.
- Eyeball Collection
Collect eyeballs for champion
takedowns . Gain permanent AD or AP,adaptive for each eyeball plus bonus upon collection completion. - Relentless Hunter
takedowns grant permanent out of combatMS .
Empowered abilities and resource manipulation
- Absolute Focus
While above 70% health, gain extra
adaptive damage . - Scorch
Your first damaging ability hit every 10s burns champions.
Adaptive Force
Adaptive Force Adaptive Force
Adaptive Force Health Scaling
+10-180 Health (based on level)

Why Electrocute
As a champion with a very assassin heavy play style, Diana loves the burst from Electrocute. She can proc the damage pre 6 with an [E]->[W]->auto thanks to the **spells not having to do damage to count toward the proc**.

Why Sudden Impact
Post 6 Sudden impact because a vital tool in blowing up enemy champions with all-ins.
Why Eyeball Collection
Diana's assassin playstyle makes her heavily reliant on picking up quick kills and snowballing a lead and Eyeball Collection does just that.

Why Relentless Hunter
Relentless Hunter is a bit of a stylistic choice. As an assassin, Diana usually wants to type to roam a bit and find a target to explode.

WhyAbsolute Focus
As as Assassin your damage pattern will typically consist of bursting someone 100 to 0 at the start of a fight, meaning you should remain above the threshold for Absolute Focus for the entirety of your rotation.

Scorch is a rune that heavily focuses early to mid game chip damage. If you're confident in your ability to land [Q] often is lane this can potentially **put you in a great position to kill your lane opponent at 6**.