Gimmie All Those Chimes
Lane harassment and consistent damage output.
Hitting a champion with 3 separate attacks or abilities in 3s deals bonus
adaptive damage .Deal bonus true damage to enemy champions with
impaired movement or actions .Takedowns on enemy Wards cause friendly Zombie Wards to sprout from their corpses. Gain permanent AD or AP,adaptive for each Zombie Ward spawned plus bonus upon completion.Unique
takedowns grant permanent out of combatMS .
Your first damaging ability hit every 10s burns champions.
Move Speed bonuses are 7% more effective on you and gain1% Move Speed .
+5 AD or 9 AP
+5 AD or 9 AP
+6 Armor or 8 MR (match-up)
Why Electrocute
Thanks to his passive, Bard is able to easily proc electrocute for huge burst with either **Auto->[Q]** or **Auto->Auto**.
Why Cheap Shot
Once you've collected 5 chimes Bard's passive auto attacks slow, proccing Cheap Shot. Paired with Bard's [Q] you'll be permanently slowing and dealing True Damage to any target you wish.
Why Zombie Ward
Zombie Ward is a great rune choice in this slot as it synergizes well with Sightstone and Bard's natural roaming nature, allowing him to get deeper wards more often.
Why Relentless Hunter
Relentless Hunter further empowers Bard's ability to **roam the map**, collect chimes, and **get to any fight**. If you're expecting to **invest in teamfight items (Locket/Redemption)** early you can **take Ingenious Hunter** here to try and abuse their massively lowered cooldown.
Scorch on Bard empowers your early laning phase trades to do big damage with kill potential with sustained harass damage.
Bard heavily relies on his ability to roam to pick op Chimes throughout the game. The bonus Movement Speed from Celerity pairs well with Relentless Hunter to help you get around the map and get to those chimes quickly.