Make It Count
Lane harassment and consistent damage output.
Attacking an enemy champion grants you Attack Speed, up to 6 stacks. At max stacks, deal
bonus adaptive damage On-Attack.Killing a target heals you.
Takedowns on enemies grant permanent Attack Speed.Deal more damage to low health enemy champions.
While above 70% health, gain extra
adaptive damage .Gain increasing amounts of AD or AP,
adaptive over the course of the game.
+5 AD or 9 AP
+5 AD or 9 AP
+6 Armor or 8 MR (match-up)
Why Lethal Tempo
Lethal Tempo on Ashe allows you an early proc with [W] and tons of follow-up auto damage with the massive boost of Attack Speed when paired with [Q].
Why Absorb Life
Overheal is an all-around great rune choices on most AD Carries. The shield while small, negates a lot of damage over the course of the game.
Why Legend: Alacrity
Legend: Alacrity is the go-to on pretty much every AD Carry, especially Ashe who loves to auto as much as possible.
Why Coup de Grace
Coup De Grace is a great general damage implication across the entirety of the enemy team.
WhyAbsolute Focus
As a backline carry, in teamfights the additional Attack Damage from Absolute Focus will empower your ability for your rapid auto attacks to deal a ton of damage.
WhyGathering Storm
Gathering Storm further empowers your marksman late-game scaling to take over teamfights.