
Villainy Is Near

  1. Offense

    +5 AD or 9 AP

  2. Flex

    +5 AD or 9 AP

  3. Defense

    +6 Armor or 8 MR (match-up)

Why Press the Attack

Akshan's double auto passive allows you to very easily and quickly proc Press the Attack for a ton of early bonus damage.

Why Presence of Mind

The mana regen from Presence of Mind helps a lot with early game pushing with Akshan's [Q].

Why Legend: Alacrity

Akshan is a marksman and auto attacks a lot so the bonus attack speed from Alacrity is a great choice in this row.

Why Cut Down

Cut Down is a great choice on Akshan as he is a squishy marksman and most other champions will have more health than you.

WhySudden Impact

Aksan can make good use of Sudden Impact as he has a lot of mobility and can easily proc it with his [E].

WhyTreasure Hunter

Trasure Hunter is a safe reliable option for a bit of steady extra income.

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