Our Duel Begins.
Lane harassment and consistent damage output.

Empowered abilities and resource manipulation
- Arcane Comet
Damaging a champion with an ability hurls a damaging comet at their location.
- Nimbus Cloak
After casting a Summoner Spell, gain a short
Move Speed increase that allows you to pass through units. - Transcendence
Gain bonuses upon reaching the following levels:
Level 5: +5Ability Haste
Level 8: +5Ability Haste
Level 11: On Champion takedown, reduce the remaining cooldown of basic abilities by 20%. - Scorch
Your first damaging ability hit every 10s burns champions.
Burst damage and target access
- Sudden Impact
Damaging basic attacks and abilities deal bonus true damage to enemy champions after using a dash, leap, blink, teleport, or when leaving stealth.
- Treasure Hunter
takedowns grant additional gold the first time they are collected.
Adaptive Force
Adaptive Force Adaptive Force
Adaptive Force Health Scaling
+10-180 Health (based on level)

Why Arcane Comet
As Aatrox, you are able to reliable and repeatedly lane Arcane Comet with constant successful use of [Q] for empowered lane harassment damage.

Why Nimbus Cloak
Nimbus Cloak on Aatrox allows you to chase down and stick to an enemy after using [R] to either kill the target or escape.

Why Transcendence
Aatrox heavily relies on [Q] for successful damage output and the additional CDR from Transcendence is excellent for increasing you damage output.

Why Scorch
Scorch furthers your lane harassment damage by allowing you to easily proc it with [Q] from range on cooldown.

WhySudden Impact
Sudden Impact is a reliable form of additional Lethality when combined with [E] and the extra AD it provides.

WhyTreasure Hunter
A large portion of Aatrox's damage comes from the use of abilities, mostly [Q], allows Ravenous Hunter to provide you a consider amount of damage sustain in fights when combined with the Health Steal from [E].
Die and Be Forgotten
Lane harassment and consistent damage output.

Burst damage and target access
- Electrocute
Hitting a champion with 3 separate attacks or abilities in 3s deals bonus
adaptive damage . - Taste of Blood
Heal when you damage an enemy champion.
- Ghost Poro
When your wards expire, they leave behind a Ghost Poro. The Ghost Poro grants vision until discovered. Gain permanent AD or AP,
adaptive for each Ghost Poro and when your Ghost Poro spots an enemy champion, plus bonus upon completion. - Treasure Hunter
takedowns grant additional gold the first time they are collected.
Durability and crowd control
- Bone Plating
After taking damage from an enemy champion, the next 3 spells or attacks you receive from them deal 30-60 (based on level) less damage.
Duration: 1.5s
Cooldown: 55s - Overgrowth
Gain permanent max health when minions or monsters die near you.
Adaptive Force
Adaptive Force Adaptive Force
Adaptive Force Health Scaling
+10-180 Health (based on level)

Why Electrocute
Electrocute provides an easy way to proc lane harassment damage, allowing you to further push your strengths as Aatrox

Why Taste of Blood
Taste of Blood's in lane sustain is fantastic for taking aggressive trades when paired with your natural sustain.
Why Ghost Poro
As Aatrox you are often pushed forward as you push your lane advantage. Taking ghost Poro allows you to use that pressure to further enable your offensive power.

Why Treasure Hunter
Ravenous Hunter pairs perfectly with Aatrox's natural sustain from [E] when paired with the constant damage output from [Q] allows you to dive and fight aggressively.

WhyBone Plating
Bone Plating empowers your early to mid-game all-ins allowing you to out-damage and out-trade your opponent.

Overgrowth's mid-to-late game health scaling makes you an incredible duelist.